How can you get involved or help?
- Become a Sponsor
- Become an Associate Sponsor or Supporter
- Provide opportunities for employees or young people from your area to take part as Sail Trainees
- Provide in-kind assistance eg. promotional merchandise for trainees to wear when taking part
Sponsorship opportunities
If your company or organisation is interested in supporting sail training, annual sponsorship opportunities are available as detailed below. We would be very pleased to discuss this further with you.
>> Download our Sponsorship Opportunities Information flyer
Annual Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor - £1,750
As a Sponsor, your benefits will include:-
- Right to be termed “Sponsor of Sail Training Shetland”
- Right to use Sail Training Shetland logo for promotional purposes
- Corporate identity to appear on any promotional material produced, eg. t-shirts for trainees
- Opportunity to participate in any selection events and activities arranged with potential sail trainees
- Media acknowledgements to include any news releases issued and posted on our and participating members’ websites
- Inclusion of your Company or Organisation logo (with link to your website) on Sail Training Shetland website
- Opportunity for two people from your Company/Organisation to participate in a half day sailing trip on “The Swan”
Associate Sponsor - £1000
As an Associate Sponsor, your benefits will include:-
- Right to be termed “Associate Sponsor of Sail Training Shetland”
- Right to use Sail Training Shetland logo for promotional purposes
- Corporate identity to appear on any promotional material produced, eg. t-shirts for trainees
- Inclusion of your Company or Organisation logo (with link to your website) on Sail Training Shetland website
Supporter - £500
As a Supporter, your benefits will include:-
- Right to be termed “Supporter of Sail Training Shetland”
- Inclusion of your Company or Organisation logo (with link to your website) on Sail Training Shetland website