What is Sail Training?
No previous sailing experience required!
Sail training is an experience that requires participants to confront many demanding challenges, both physical and emotional. It is an activity that inspires self-confidence and the acceptance of personal responsibility, promotes an acceptance of others whatever their social or cultural backgrounds, and develops a willingness to take controlled risks. For most who undertake sail training on Tall Ships it is a positive life-changing experience.
Participation in sail training opportunities can increase young people’s prospects of obtaining paid employment, improve their conditions of life and help to develop their physical and mental capacities so that they can grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society.
The vast majority of other sporting and outdoor activities available to young people in Shetland and elsewhere, such as football, hockey, netball, etc. all require a certain degree of physical ability and fitness. This is not the case with Sail Training and the opportunities offered by Sail Training Shetland are open to a much wider range of participants, including those with additional support needs.
How much does it cost?
Each year, Sail Training Shetland aims to provide a number sponsored placements for young people to benefit from a sail training adventure. We aim to fund the whole trip including ship bookings, travel and insurances but not any personal expenditure.
It is costly to take part in a sail training adventure and we have in the past sought a £300 donation towards the cost of the trip from applicants. We are keen that the proposed contribution towards the experience does not pose a barrier to anyone taking part and would welcome a discussion before applying if it is unaffordable at that level.
Still interested to learn more?
Visit the following useful websites:-
www.sailonboard.com (find a voyage - international)
https://uksailtraining.org/member-organisations/ (find a voyage - UK)